Display Advertising

Display Advertising

Display advertising is essential to any big or small business. Since people would rather look at images than reading a block text, the importance of display ads is critical.

Besides visual appeal to the consumer, display ads educate and make brands familiar to the target market buyer. The importance of this in building brand trust cannot be overstated. One of the most important benefits here is that when people trust a brand, there is an increased probability of our prospect making a purchase.

Over a decade of experience in display adverting. This is not limited just to banner design but encompasses delivering concepts and defining a banner strategy for different marketing efforts ranging from branding to direct response campaigns.

Display advertising assortment includes various formats and technologies. I have delivered successful standard animated IAB compliant html5, AMP HTML, static, dynamic, rich media video, and takeover ad units. I have greatly contributed to FXCM’s display trafficking efficiency by designing and utilizing a template approach, allowing manipulating specific ad elements. For instance, using XML or google sheets for dynamic campaign Strategies and dynamically change of creative content (Title, body text, CTA, Click URL images and footers for fast and efficient updates or AB testing). I have also delivered widget-based ads where currency rates displayed on banners in real-time using javascript, XML and Jason data feeds.

HTML5 IAB Compliance Animated Creative Examples.

See an animated creative example in action. Click here or on the below static visual to preview it.

Rich Media Display Advertising

I’ve designed various rich media ad formats including: streaming video, dynamic data feeds, expandable ads, Takeovers, wallpapers, pushdowns, HP takeovers, and Leaderboard units. These are a few of the rich media ad formats I have used within leading ad servers like DoubleClick, Meta, AdRoll, and AdWords.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is dynamicGoogleSheets.jpg
Dynamic Data Feed Strategy Example.
Rich Media Display Advertising Examples

See a video AD creative example in action. Click here or on the below static visual to preview it.

ZenFinex TakeOver creative example within FXStreet placement.


Mobile Display Advertising

Yearly, mobile advertising experiences substantial, consistent growth. The evolution of mobile platforms fundamentally reshapes user interactions with content, altering our perspectives permanently. I possess expertise in mobile advertising and mobile platforms, encompassing mobile site designs and responsive layouts.

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